The PGI ‘Chorizo ​​Riojano’ continues to grow


The consumption of chorizo ​​in Spain continues to increase and the PGI ‘Chorizo ​​Riojano,’ which includes six production companies, already markets more than one million units of this universal product, synonymous with quality, flavour, and health.

The manufacturing process of Rioja chorizo ​​benefits from a tradition and legacy that has been transmitted from parents to children, adapting to modern times and crossing borders.

In the last three years, the seal of quality has increased its presence and its sales in the national and international markets, in the Horeca channel and catering field, as well as reinforcing its communication strategy with new contents, channels, and formats to reach new audiences.

The production companies registered in the PGI ‘Chorizo ​​Riojano’ certified about 600,000 units of this product in 2017 and, during the past year, this figure doubled, reaching more than one million quality-seal chorizos in the market.

Some figures reflecting the experience has matured over the years, and there has been a firm commitment to quality. If it is PGI ‘Chorizo ​​Riojano,’ it is good.