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Access to the contents in the various sections of our Website is subject to the policies set forth by the Entity. Likewise, ASOCIACION PARA LA INVESTIGACION DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN DEL SECTOR AGROALIMENTARIO (AIDISA) reserves the right to edit the information contained in this Website at any time and without prior notice, and thus the entity makes no claim about such information being up-to-date.


Both the access to this Website and the use of the information it contains is the sole responsibility of the User of such information.

AIDISA shall not be held liable for any consequence, damage or loss that may arise out of said access or use of the information by the User. AIDISA shall not be held liable for any potential security errors or damages that may be caused to the User's computer system (both hardware and software), files or documents, as a result of viruses in the computer used to access the Website services and contents, a poor response from the browser used, or a non-upgraded version thereof.

Therefore, the User accepts, expressly and without reservation, that the access and use of the portal is solely and exclusively at their own risk.

Pursuant to the Spanish Act 34/2002 dated July 11th on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, any disputes arising from the use of the Website shall be governed by the Spanish legislation. The User will be responsible in all cases for the veracity of the data submitted, and AIDISA reserves the right to exclude any User who has submitted false data from the services they have registered for, notwithstanding any other actions applicable under the Law.


AIDISA is the owner and/or licensee of all information contained in this portal, including its graphic design, images, databases, indexes, source codes, brands and logos, all of which are protected under the Spanish act on intellectual property and the Spanish trademark act.

Under no circumstances does the disclosure of such contents imply an assignment of property or right of use in favour of the User, and therefore no reproduction, copy, or total/partial distribution of the contents is allowed without prior written consent from AIDISA. In case of misuse of the Website, the entity reserves the right to exercise all due legal action to demand restitution for any damages incurred upon. Moreover, the User agrees to compensate the entity for any loss or damage arising from the use of this Website and the infringement of these Terms and conditions and/or applicable laws.


The inclusion of third-party links to other portals in is for informational purposes only, and does not imply an endorsement by of such portals, on which has no control whatsoever, nor is responsible for their content.


We may occasionally make use of a technology called "cookies," which allow us to provide certain custom contents and/or services. A "cookie" is a small data element that a Website can send to the User's web browser            This element can in turn be stored in the User's computer hard disk, so that we may recognize them when the User returns to our Website. However, the User can set their browser preferences at any time to receive a confirmation prompt before accepting any cookies.

Each cookie stores the following data: date and time the User last visited our Website, content design the User chose on their first visit to our Website, and security elements intervening in access control to restricted areas.


            This Website studies our Users' preferences (demographics, traffic patterns and other general information that helps us understand our Users' behaviour and profile). Tracking our Users' preferences helps us improve both our Website and our services.

            For this purpose we use Google Analytics (Google's tool for measuring website traffic), a system that can store cookies in your computer in order to help us gather information that is solely used with the purpose of statistical and behavioural analysis of our Website Users. The information collected by cookies (which includes the User's IP address) is stored and forwarded to Google's servers in the United States. Google will use such information to collect your activity in our Website and generate reports on the use you make of our Website.   Google can disclose this information to third parties upon legal request. The acceptance of this policy implies the acceptance of the use Google makes of the information collected via Google Analytics.

            You can configure your browser to reject the storing of cookies in your computer.


VAT #: G-26455147

Address: Ctra. Logroño – Burgos, N-120, km. 22

Zip: 26315 City: Alesón

Province: La Rioja, Spain


Entry # in Spain's Commercial Register: _________