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Work, shopping, children... sometimes you have so many things to do that you forget that you also have to have dinner before the end of the day. But since what is never missing in your pantry is a string of Chorizo Riojano IGP, today we want to propose you three quick, easy and delicious recipes so that dinner becomes your favorite meal of the day.

Hot Chorizo Riojano IGP casserole

Is there anything tastier than Chorizo Riojano IGP just like that? Not for us. So our first recipe has only one ingredient: the best chorizo in the world. Of course, to give it a special flavor, remember that you can fry it in the pan for a few minutes to eat it warm. To accompany it, a good local wine and some bread will be perfect. And... ta-da! Dinner is served.

Mini-sandwiches of Chorizo Riojano IGP and cheese

Nothing like reminiscing about our childhood to celebrate a simple and exquisite dinner. You don't need much: two slices of sliced bread (if you want it to be special, try to choose it with seeds), a bit of the cheese you like the most tonight, a string of Chorizo Riojano IGP and a bit of butter to spread on the outside of the bread. After a few moments in the frying pan (until it is toasted on the outside and juicy on the inside) or in the sandwich maker it will be enough to impress you. It's delicious!

Montadito of Chorizo Riojano IGP and vegetable omelette

Para acabar nuestras recomendaciones culinarias, queríamos ir un poco más allá. Sólo necesitas unas cuantas cosas básicas que seguro que tienes en casa. Coge un par de huevos y las verduritas que tengas en tu nevera (cebolla, pimiento, calabacín…), haz un sofrito con ellas, bate los huevos, intégralo todo, pon un poco de sal y pimienta y cuájalo todo en la sartén. Después corta la tortilla y coloca un trocito sobre cada rebanada de pan tostado, termina tu montadito poniendo dos rodajas de Chorizo Riojano IGP calentito. ¡Y listo! Un montadito original y delicioso, ¿no crees?

Have you ever had dinner this easy and tasty? With Chorizo Riojano IGP you will be looking forward to dinner time because it will no longer be a problem for you. Of course, don't forget to always have your string of chorizo in the fridge! You will surely succeed 🙂

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