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IGP Chorizo ​​Riojano has managed to raise 2,169 euros from the sale of the “bravas and solidarity” portions during the three days that the foodtruck stand of the teachers of the School of Hospitality and Tourism of La Rioja was available at the Muwi festival in Logrono.

The ration was priced at three euros and its profits will go to the Logroño Economic Kitchen. "We have had a very good reception from the attendees in Muwi, and they have congratulated us twice, both for the flavor of the bravas and the end of it," says David Sotes, professor at EHOJA.

“We are very satisfied with the collection obtained and we are going to obtain great benefits for our users thanks to the disinterested help IGP Chorizo ​​Riojano and the teachers of Santo Domingo. We hope to repeat next year.” says Javier Porres, managing director of Logroño's Economic Kitchen.

For her part, Elena Martínez Garnica, vice-president of the IGP Chorizo ​​Riojano, has very positively valued this type of solidarity initiatives that add value to society through the commitment of this Rioja quality seal that is made up of five certified companies: Martinez Somalo, Grupo Palacios, Alejandro Miguel, Amando Loza and La Alegría Riojana.

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