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Precooked piglets

Yields4 ServingsDifficultyBeginnerPrep Time20 mins

For those who think that the art of cooking is boring, we propose this nice recipe directly inspired by the Asturian bollos preñaos. The essence is the same: a bread dough stuffed with chorizo. Only this time, instead of giving it its traditional bun shape, we are going to disguise it as cute and delicious little pigs.

Ideal as a snack or for informal dinners, their preparation does not involve added difficulty, just an extra creativity and imagination. In fact, they are a perfect recipe to make with children and instill in them a love for cooking from an early age.

 Chorizo riojano
 420 g of strong flour
 220 ml of water (at room temperature or lukewarm)
 15 g baker's yeast
 40 g lard (at room temperature)
 One teaspoon of salt

Dissolve the yeast in the water and place in a bowl. Add the lard, flour and salt and knead for 10 minutes.


Once the dough is ready, remove small portions of dough, stretch with a rolling pin and place a piece of chorizo in the center of each one. Close the dough by joining all the ends in the center and where the joint is, turn a little on the work table so that it is well connected and does not open.


When the dough is formed, paint with beaten egg and place the decoration to give the appearance of “little pigs”. With two small pieces of dough, make the ears and place them. For the nose, cut a small circle of dough and place two toothpicks as nostrils, which we will keep until the end of cooking so that the holes do not close. Place two cloves to simulate the eyes.


Bake at 190ºC for 15 minutes or until they acquire a nice golden color. Remove, let cool and serve.


 Chorizo riojano
 420 g of strong flour
 220 ml of water (at room temperature or lukewarm)
 15 g baker's yeast
 40 g lard (at room temperature)
 One teaspoon of salt



Dissolve the yeast in the water and place in a bowl. Add the lard, flour and salt and knead for 10 minutes.


Once the dough is ready, remove small portions of dough, stretch with a rolling pin and place a piece of chorizo in the center of each one. Close the dough by joining all the ends in the center and where the joint is, turn a little on the work table so that it is well connected and does not open.


When the dough is formed, paint with beaten egg and place the decoration to give the appearance of “little pigs”. With two small pieces of dough, make the ears and place them. For the nose, cut a small circle of dough and place two toothpicks as nostrils, which we will keep until the end of cooking so that the holes do not close. Place two cloves to simulate the eyes.


Bake at 190ºC for 15 minutes or until they acquire a nice golden color. Remove, let cool and serve.

Precooked piglets

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